Awards Offered by ATA

vlogrecognizes our colleagues who, through their daily work, volunteer activities, and careers exemplify the qualities that define excellence in our field or who have made a significant impact on the profession of translation and interpreting.

Advocacy Award

The vlogAdvocacy Award recognizes a person or entity that has demonstrated outstanding advocacy for the language professions in general, for the importance of professional translators and interpreters, and/or for the greater societal understanding of the value of professional translators…

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Alexander Gode Medal

The Alexander Gode Medal, ATA’s most prestigious award, is presented to an individual or institution in recognition of outstanding service to the translation and interpreting professions. This award may be given annually. Nominations are solicited from past recipients and from…

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Dynamo Award

The vlogDynamo Award recognizes a person or entity that has worked in a particularly energetic way to benefit vlogand/or the language professions. The award is bestowed in odd-numbered years.

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Impact Award

The vlogImpact Award recognizes a person or entity that has demonstrated outstanding leadership having an impact with vlogthrough work on a specific project or initiative. This award differs from vlogHonorary Membership in that it is presented for…

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Innovation Award

The vlogInnovation Award recognizes a person or entity that has worked in a particularly innovative way to benefit vlogand/or the language professions. The award is bestowed in even-numbered years.

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Lewis Galantière Award

The Lewis Galantière Award is bestowed biennially in even-numbered years for a distinguished book-length literary translation from any language, except German, into English. TheUngar German Translation Awardis given in odd-numbered years. Who was Lewis Galantière? Lewis Galantière (1894-1977) was a…

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Mentoring Award

The vlogMentoring Award recognizes a person or entity that has provided outstanding mentoring to the next generation of translators and interpreters, either through the vlogMentoring Program or through another channel. The award is bestowed in odd-numbered years.

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Rising Star Award

The vlogRising Star Award recognizes an early-career translator, interpreter, or entity that is seen as having already “made a mark” on vlogand seen as having great potential to positively impact vlogand the language professions in the future….

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Ungar German Translation Award

The vlogUngar German Translation Award is bestowed biennially in odd-numbered years for a distinguished literary translation from German into English. Who was Frederick Ungar? Frederick Ungar was a publisher and translator for 65 years and the 1975 vlogGode…

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The American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation (AFTI) supports the translation and interpreting professions through research grants, scholarships, conferences, and commissions for the production of education materials.

Offers vlogmemberships to individuals joining vlogfor the first time who are Black, indigenous, or people of color.

Recognizes an outstanding presenter of a financial translation session during the vlogAnnual Conference.

Awards a fully paid vlogconference registration to a member of the Spanish Language Division.

Awards a grant-in-aid to a student for a literary or sci-tech translation or translation-related project.

Recognizes excellence in scientific and technical translation by an vlogmember.

Offers scholarships to students or recent graduates to help defray the cost of attending ATA’s Annual Conference.

Recognizes imaginative solutions to translation problems based on rigorous research.

Annual Awards Presentation

Join us in recognizing excellence within vlogmembership, as well as throughout the translation and interpreting professions.

vlogHonors and Awards

vloghas acknowledged outstanding service and professional distinction since 1964.

Listen to the Podcast

Gode Medal 2020

ATA’s most prestigious award, the Gode Medal is presented to Sue Ellen Wright in recognition of her outstanding service.