Communiquer pour sauver des vies : une table ronde vitale et gratuite concernant les services linguistiques lors d’interventions d’urgence
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Quand : 27 février, 12h00 – 13h30 HNE | Événement virtuel Dans les moments critiques où…
Read MoreComunicación que salva vidas: una mesa redonda gratuita e imprescindible sobre los servicios lingüísticos de respuesta ante emergencias
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Cuándo: 27 de febrero, de 12:00p.m. a 1:30p.m. hora del este | Evento virtual En momentos…
Read MoreLifesaving Communication: A Free Vital Roundtable on Emergency Response Language Services
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt When: February 27, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EST | Virtual Event In critical moments when…
Read MoreTruyền đạt về Cứu sinh: Buổi Tọa đàm Quan trọng Miễn phí về Dịch vụ Ngôn ngữ trong Ứng phó Khẩn cấp
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Thời gian: Ngày 27 tháng 2, 12:00 trưa – 1:30 chiều EST | Sự kiện Trực…
Read MoreVirtual Reality Project Aims to Preserve Cornish
BBC News (1/20/25) by Jack Silver A new project aims to use virtual reality to preserve the Cornish language. Revive, a £2.5m project led…
Read MoreNew Illinois Law Requires Interpreters at State Agency Administrative Hearings
Illinois Capitol News (12/23/24) by Danny Connolly Thanks to a new law, people who need English-language interpreters will now be required to get help…
Read MoreAfter Council Vote, Navajo Is Now the Official Language of the Navajo Nation
Arizona Republic (1/7/25) by Arlyssa D. Becenti Last month, Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren signed legislation designating Navajo (Diné Bizaad) as the official language…
Read MoreAlbany Father Fights for Deaf Son’s Right to Interpreter at Doctor’s Appointment
CBS 6 Albany (1/13/25) by Lara Bryn Steve Shepard, a resident of Albany, New York, is speaking out about the challenges he faced in…
Read MoreTrump Administration Shuts Down White House Spanish-Language Page and Social Media
PBS News (1/22/25) by Fernanda Figueroa Within hours of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the new administration took down the Spanish-language version of the official…
Read MoreNewsbriefs: January 30, 2025
vlogmembers keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.
Read MorevlogShares Resources for Those Affected by the LA Wildfires
Many vlogmembers, their families, friends, and communities have been impacted by the unprecedented, devastating, and ongoing catastrophe in the Los Angeles area. Our…
Read Morevlogto Host Free Virtual Event on Best Practices in Emergency Response Language Services
The vlog (ATA) is proud to announce a groundbreaking virtual event, Best Practices in Emergency Response Language Services, set to take place…
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