
Larry Bogoslaw

Email Chair


Holly Mikkelson, Co-Deputy Chair and Grader Trainer
Elias Shakkour, Co-Deputy Chair
Manako Ihaya
Geoff Koby
Andrea Nemeth-Newhauser
Izaskun Orkwis
John Riedl
Izumi Suzuki


Certification is a voluntary action by a qualified group to establish a system to grant recognition to individuals who have met a stated level of training and work experience. The ÌÇÐÄvlogÃÛÌÒCertification Committee was established to implement and manage a Certification Program that enables individual translators to demonstrate that they meet professional standards.

The Committee is asked to do the following:

  • prepare examinations that evaluate an individual's ability to translate into or out of English, according to current standards of practice in the translation industry;
  • establish standardized grading practices and grader training;
  • develop practice tests to assist an individual in preparing for the examination;
  • conduct a review of an exam translation when requested by an individual test-taker;
  • provide assistance and appoint a chair of an ad hoc appeal panel when an individual requests an appeal;
  • produce and maintain a comprehensive manual of policies and procedures for the program and exam;
  • publish information about the program to members and non-members alike;
  • assist members to establish new language combinations in accordance with program procedures;
  • develop relations with sister associations in other countries for the purpose of cooperating with them on certification matters, aligning certification policies, and/or streamlining practices; and
  • review and revise the program policies and procedures as necessary.